Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!

Gung Hei Fat Choy as they say in Hong Kong! Time to pass out red packets for good luck, have some oranges, and look forward to the year of the Tiger!

Also a good time for some thoughts on various topics for the new year:

Whatever you say about Obama, he's cool. The concert the other night at the White House just oozed it. I like that.

Obama should meet with Dalai Lama and continue to support Taiwan's legitimate defense. US should be vocal about the reasons why. Perhaps tie it too lack of trust in China's support for a non-nuclear Iran. PRC will not respect US weakness. Only strength.

It's the policy stupid! American's are smarter than some people think. The problem with lefty policies isn't that they aren't explained well. The problem is that they stink. Intelligent, thinking Americans - like the majority of the Tea Party movement are wise to it.

Good luck to Bill Clinton. Good thing US health care and health care innovation is the best in the world.

Did you catch the news about Ms. Kissel the murderess in HK? She gets a re-trial but no sympathy. She had it all but murdered her banker husband anyway. She admitted to it as well. She is not a victim. She is a killer.

Go Go Goldman Sachs - great company in an important industry. Make no mistake: Investment Banks are part of the infrastructure that allocates capital efficiently. This is a pre-requisite for jobs and innovation. If Goldman's investors or customers have a problem with that, they can take their money elsewhere. Regulators need to ensure fairness without killing the engines prosperity.

When will unions start caring about the customers they serve? I've had to deal with unions in the New York recently and what a bunch of selfish cry babies. The best solution is simply to go where there are no unions. I can get stuff done at a fair price and timely fashion. This is good for everyone.

You know what? I support Michelle Obama's latest project American's are too fat. It's not healthy and it is bad for society as a whole. I wouldn't have branded it about child obesity - childhood nutrition is a better label I think - but the concept is good.

America needs to stop thinking we're so superior. I know a generation of Indian and Chinese students who will kick your ass academically and with hard work. Better still let them all immigrate to the US and become steeped in American values - a lot of them would help us kick global ass (in a good way too).

No Joe Biden you did not win Iraq. First of all, Iraqi's won it. Second it was Bush administration policy. The most you can say is that Obama kept Sec Def Gates.

An increase in jobless claims is not a reduction, even if the rate of increase of claims was lower.

Climate change is not the same as weather. Even if we don't know for certain if temperatures are going up or down or the degree of change caused by human activity, what we know for certain is that climate will change. Warming is probably better than cooling, since it leads to higher crop yields, more biomass, and has been the source of improvements in the human condition every time. But how to deal with change? One tried and true method is free-market capitalism. Works every time and doesn't require involuntary massive wealth changes. As for island nations such as the Maldives that might be under water? Well where were humans the last time the Maldives were underwater? Not there anyway. Or if you want to build where there is land below sea-level, hire some Dutch guys. They have 500 years experience.

Chavez, Mugabe, Stumpy in Iran, and all the apologists for same - I have no time for you. Your incompetence speaks for itself.

As for Greece. What were you thinking? Nobody else in the Euro zone owes you anything. Issue some bonds, cut spending, and raise the retirement age.

Does anyone know what 5th amendment (i.e. Miranda) rights exist prior to entering the USA, i.e. before you get past the immigration officer? Is it different for US citizens vs. visitors? I suspect there aren't any such rights until after you get through to baggage claim, although while on a US flag carrier (e.g. the flight) you might have such rights.

Sarah Palin: nice notes. At least you don't need a teleprompter to talk! No different than David Letterman's little blue note cards.

And what evidence that Obama and team are so "smart"? Articulate doesn't equal smart. Inability to deliver is evidence of not being very smart, well at least not very clever.

There you have it! Happy year of the Tiger everyone