Thursday, March 20, 2008


Well it seems Barack Obama is just another politician. He's trying to have it both ways. His speech on race in America was well crafted, but the content leaves one wondering who is the real Obama? OK, so he repudiated the worst of Jeremiah "God damn America" Wright's sermons. But he was still willing to (metaphorically) throw his white grandmother under the bus. 

I'm sorry Barack, you blew it. Hillary is going to cream you in Pennsylvania, and the angry white male swing voters in the Democratic party will now flee in droves. Start thinking about what you are going to do next, because it won't be in politics. 

Update (3/21/2008): According to this report in Reuters, Obama thinks Iraq is a drag on the U.S. economy.  Megan McCardle has already exposed that myth. If anything, US military spending is likely pumping fiscal stimulus into the US economy in the form of payments to US soldiers, contractors, and companies. Of course Obama wants to put all this money in other things (the usual list: health care, roads and bridges, perhaps even some diversity-sensitivity training for his grandmother, etc. . .). There is no mention of returning the "peace-dividend" to taxpayers. 

So not only is Obama a typical hypocritical politician. He's also ignorant about economics. 

Update (3/29/2008): It seems Obama has weathered the storm and Hillary is likely to remain behind in pledged delegates and total popular vote. Hillary was caught out in a flat out lie regarding her visit to Bosnia, and this was even reported by CBS! Obama has also upped the ante by releasing his tax returns from 2000 to 2006. . .so it ain't over 'til it's over!

But there is much to be concerned about. Obama has yet to demonstrate a grasp of several economic fundamentals.  Professor Bainbridge (found via the link on Instapundit) has a good breakdown of a recent speech on financial regulations that highlights some things that are right but more that is wrong.