Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Sober Christmas

So I'm in Detroit Airport on Christmas day, after more than 18 hours of travel from Hong Kong via Tokyo, and waiting for a connecting flight. Given that I have about 5 hours to kill I thought I'd look for a friendly sports bar and enjoy an adult beverage. But much to my dismay the sale of alcohol is BANNED in the ENTIRE STATE OF MICHIGAN from Christmas Eve until 7am tomorrow!

I suppose Michiganders have known this and make arrangements. I mean what is Christmas without spiked egg nog and a bit of mulled wine? Yeah I know, it is the celebration of the birth of Christ the Saviour, who died to forgive our sins - but still - traditions are traditions! It's what my gandma used to call "Chistmas Cheer." 

I did manage a non-alcoholic beer nevertheless. 

Other than that, it's nice to be back in the USA for a bit, so here is a non-alcoholic Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!