Saturday, September 27, 2008

Obama Blows White House Meeting - Unfit to Lead

Here, via Rush Limbaugh is what really went down at the White House meeting to discuss the bailout plan. If you don't believe Rush, then read the background material from a variety of sources that present the unvarnished truth. 

Basically, the senior democrats let Obama do the talking. Instead of reviewing the differences between the senior leaders on the Paulson plan, Obama launched into an attack on Republican alternatives that had received. Apparently Obama did not actually know the Paulson plan. At that point the meeting broke down, with McCain trying to get people to work together and Obama making the situation worse. 

Barack Obama cannot comport himself in a critical meeting with senior legislators in the presence of the President. This alone makes him unfit to chair a committee in congress much less sit in the Oval Office. 

Obama must not be elected. Full stop. He should not even be in the Senate. He isn't even qualified to be a community organizer, at least not in any community I've ever lived in! 

McCain however, looks every day more like a public servant who puts the country ahead of his own personal ambitions. 

The country needs a clean bill that injects liquidity into the credit system that addresses the problem of distressed assets and allows financial counterparties to get back in the business of allocating capital efficiently. If this does not happen, we do indeed risk a serious recession that will have global repercussions. 

Executive compensation, bailouts for car manufacturers, earmarks for ACORN (shouldn't those agitators be in jail?) and all manner of other class-warfare or blame-hunting B.S. is irrelevant to what needs to be done. Done right, the taxpayers will come out a head. Done wrong and we are screwed much worse. 

How any thinking person could ever vote for a Democrat after this (especially, Dodd, Frank, Reid, or Pelosi) is beyond this Berkeley Ph.D.s ability to fathom.