Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mac Schools Obama

The first presidential debate took place after all and the early results are that Obama got schooled. McCain didn't take advantage of several opportunities, nor did Obama loose his cool (at least not completely.) But especially in the 2nd half, McCain pointed out repeatedly that Obama is simply ignorant and naive when it comes to foreign policy questions that will be critical over the next 4 years. This includes Afghanistan, Iran, Russia, and of course Iraq. 

Here is much better commentary from Roger Simon and Ed Morrissey. Here's some reporting from Politico that attempts some more balanced reporting, but yet again highlights how much more effective McCain was in presenting himself as the seasoned, experienced leader with the right temperament. 

Look for Obama apologists to try and spin it the other way. . .but already Kissinger has confirmed that Obama didn't know what he was talking about when quoting Kissinger. 

Next up Palin and Biden in the only VP debate. 

Update (Sept. 28, 2008, 12:40 HK Time): Several commentators have pointed out a glaring omission from the first debate - there was no discussion of China. If any relationship will define the next decade, it will be how the US and China get along. Today's South China Morning Post leads with the first space walk by Chinese astronauts. It's big news in China and a source of national pride. China is big, smart, hungry and not apologetic for its actions or national aspirations. Can the same be said of the US?