Saturday, October 4, 2008

All You Need to Know about MSM and VP Debate

As if any further evidence is needed about main-stream media bias in this election, here's the simple fact. How can the media call it for Biden, or that Biden was even close when he made at least as dozen fundamental errors of fact on matters of constitutional law and foreign policy? In my high school debate team days, such errors would have resulted in automatic point deductions and very likely outright loss even if all of our other arguments were sound! Here are 14 lies about McCain and recent history.  Here is more on significant errors about Lebanon. Here is a serious misunderstanding of the constitution from a guy who sits on the Senate Judiciary committee!

But even better, Palin clearly held her own against a seasoned Washington pol, made her case that Obama/Biden is not "hope and change", and showed that she is every bit as equal to the challenge. It was a good day for the McCain-Palin ticket.