Friday, February 12, 2010

Why Smaller Government is the Solution

The linked posts makes the good point that voters on both sides of the political spectrum are often ignorant of the issues, or more likely refuse to entertain data that doesn't support their preconceived notions. The solution is simple - don't allow bad decisions to cause harm - through smaller government with less power.

Let's expand on that though by working backwards:

Corruption leads to bad things - like shoddy construction and support services that result in a death toll in an earthquake that is much worse than it should have been - like Haiti.

Power Corrupts. The mad pursuit of power also leads to oppression, lies, and all kinds of things that are by definition evil. People suffer, live in poverty and die.

Big Governments are by definition more powerful than smaller ones. Quite simply, that's because a big government covers more and thus has a bigger impact on your life.

Big governments might be well intended: Here's a problem! Let's fix it by getting a bunch of people together to work on it! Good luck for us, we have a government of people all ready to help!

So what started off innocent leads to corruption and bad things.

So what's the alternative?

Let's keep it small - government should do only what is proven cannot be done by any other means.

Small government can't corrupt as easily.

Let's be careful something else doesn't get too big. Small government can set laws to ensure other things don't get too big - e.g. anti-trust in companies

Less power = less corruption = less evil. Don't be Evil means not being too big.

Now how are you going to vote next election? For Evil or not Evil? Here's a guide:

Not Evil requires a government that:

a) takes less taxes from everyone (including you)

b) passes less laws affecting you

c) can't give you something for nothing (because otherwise it took it from someone else)

d) doesn't tell you what to do so long as you're not hurting someone else.

By the way this isn't about political party. It is about whether you are contributing to evil or not. So are you going to vote for big government, higher taxes, nationalization of large sectors of the economy (e.g. ObamaCare) or not?

Actually ditto for companies - more companies competing with each other is better. Wal-Mart might be a counter example (bigger purchasing power to drive lower prices for more people) but Wal-Mart needs competition too. So do big pharma and large banks.

Less is More!