Sunday, January 13, 2008

Grey Goo Bigger Threat Than Global Warming?!?

How would you allocate $100 million to protect the world from events that could destroy all intelligent life? Here's the survey on the Lifeboat Foundation's site.

Interestingly, when I checked it just now, the 53 voters so far would allocate nearly $10 million to protect ourselves from rogue nanotechnology (grey goo) and only $7.6 million on environmental threats such as global warming!

It would be interesting to do a formal survey on a this question. . .and see if nanotechnology is really feared more than global warming! If so, then perhaps I should start a career as the Al Gore of Nanotechnology Alarmism in pursuit of the inevitable Nobel Prize ;-)

[Update 1/14 12:00 - after 80 votes, the Lifeboat Foundation survey is still $8.8M nanotech to $7.6M environmental]