Saturday, January 26, 2008

Weekend Thoughts

Since last week, I've been working from Nagoya in support of a client's project, and that keeps me pretty busy Monday through Friday. So here's my feeble attempt at catching up. 

Japan rocks! I come back to Tokyo every weekend on the bullet train. One of my colleagues who does the same trip has perfected the art of buying some sushi and sake for the ride back to Tokyo on Friday evenings. Commuting at 250 km/h or more on silky smooth rails, with some good food and drink, in a train full of well groomed and well mannered people, is a perfect marriage of utility and form. 

US Stimulus: It seems the $150B package will pass, but since the impact won't be felt until May at the earliest, what's the point? The whole thing is a waste of time and taxpayers' money. 

Socialist Dicators: Zimbabwe and Venezuelan continue their downward spiral. This should be proof enough that Socialism doesn't work, even when combined with oil wealth. Why would we want anything even near to that? 

McCain: I'd like to but I just can't get behind the guy. His military service and courage in a North Vietnamese POW camp are real. That said, James Stockton (Ross Perot's running mate) was just as courageous, but that didn't make him a good candidate. I am not sure exactly what bothers me about McCain, but it is some combination of lack of executive/business experience, willingness to embrace liberal causes (e.g. global warming), and the fact that labels like "maverick" or "straight-talk" just don't compel me.  It almost makes me want to support Romney. Let's see what Giuliani is able to do in Florida and Super-Tuesday. 

Dems: Hillary's tactics are just abominable, but Obama has to step-up. I'd like to like Obama, but the minute he starts talking about any policy issue, I remember why I'm not a Democrat. 

Sarkozy: I love this guy. Vive le France

Iran: The mullahcracy there is just plain dangerous. I fear that it may come to a full scale military conflict. Iran makes North Korea seem almost rational.

Jonah Goldberg: I must read his new book Liberal Facism. From the reviews, it looks like an excellent book. 

All for now!