Monday, January 7, 2008

Naomi Campbell and the "Angel" Chavez

I'll believe that Venezuela's Chavez "poses no threat to democracy" when he steps down from office to be replaced by someone who is not a leftist nutcake.  Here is the article about Ms. Campbell's visit to Chavez, as linked by Breitbart.

Where to begin on Chavez? Let's start with some facts:
1) Crime is on the increase and per capita death rate is actually worse than Iraq (!)
2) Income distribution (as measured by the gini coefficient) is getting worse, not better, with corrupt Chavistas gathering wealth for themselves, despite their claims to be supporting "the poor." 
3) Basic staples are disappearing from the shelves. Basic services, such as trash removal, are faltering. 
4) Inflation at 23% is among the worst in Latin America, forcing a meaningless re-denomination of the currency.  

Chavez is a farce. His socialist policies will ultimately fail, just as they have everywhere else they have been tried. The parallels with Zimbabwe and even Nicaragua under the Sandanistas are clear. Chavez is a new Mugabe, and will become just as lunatic over time. 

That doesn't mean he isn't a charmer. Most demagogues are charismatic. Castro is charismatic. He is also a murdering despot - look up the early history of his Cuban revolution if you don't believe me. Hitler was charismatic and called himself a "socialist",  "national socialist" to be precise, also known as "nazi". Perhaps Chavez isn't the new Mugabe. Is it wrong to say that he's actually a Latin Hitler? Just as smooth, just as popularly elected, and just as wrong?

Why any celebrity would spend even a minute of time with this charlatan is beyond comprehension. It is time to start boycotting anything Ms. Campbell is shilling. . .and if I see any attractive pictures of her, I will ogle at them in the crudest, most anti-feminist-objectifying possible way . . .as for Sean Penn, Oliver Stone, and that Kennedy, well why even bother commenting. . .

Fortunately, things aren't looking so good for Chavez. The people of Venezuela rightly voted down constituational reforms. Chavez also clearly has no magic ability to resolve complex, deeply rooted problems such as the FARC in Colombia. That latter episode showed up Chavez for the buffoon he is. 

Here is news from a Venezuelan Blogger for more, highly readable, insight. Good work Daniel. Keep it up.