Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Hampshire Primaries

So apparently Hillary has achieved a 'startling upset' in New Hampshire. 

But wasn't she the inevitable nominee not even a month ago? OK, so Hillary 39% to Obama 36% (with 70% of precincts reporting) shows that polls can be wrong and that the Democratic nomination is still close. But it's hardly an upset. Hillary should have an outright majority. Anything less shows that she's still got a ways to go. 

I'd say that Iowa and New Hampshire so far don't prove all that much.  Here's my take so far:

1) Obama showed that he is a contender
2) Hillary is not going away anytime soon
3) Edwards is finished
4) Huckabee has much less of a chance among Republicans than Obama has among Democrats
5) For Republicans, it's McCain and Romney for now, but probably too soon to count out Giuliani or even Thompson. 

The real contest will be Super Tuesday next month, and I'd say for now the contest is wide open. 

And don't forget, unlike the Electoral College process for the final election, the primaries are not winner-take-all. The delegates are divided up proportionally. Also, the Dems have 20% of delegates to the convention that are not assigned by the primaries.